The AFMIN On10 School was held during August 2010, in Morogoro. 185 students attended this School and are progressing well in their studies. With graduation only one year away, in August 2011, there is a renewed excitement amongst these students.
During this School, we also had the opportunity to speak to the students about Authentic Fatherhood. This was not for the first time, but rather a follow-up on the last two years teachings on this subject. Some of the students have taken this message back to their cities and villages. The outcome of this message for the people of Africa is enormous. People that have lived as an spiritual orphan for years are being set free when they discover that “He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself,…” Ephesians 3:5
Our focus with these schools are not only to train students but to equip spiritual fathers and sons.